Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Variety is the spice of fight

Arrow keys for movement and crouching, spacebar to jump. Use arrow keys while swinging to increase his spin. Hold down spacebar to make the jump last longer. Hit spacebar again when holding on to a wall to wall jump. A and D to attack.

See below for a list of Dreg's fight moves.


Well, for those of you who come regularly, I'm afraid there's nothing new gameplay wise for you to enjoy. I've been working on an essentially aesthetic thing... the thugs are all different now!

I've taken advantage of the ability to play around with movie clips to give each thug his own look. It's all rather simple, really, but the problem was that I had set up the characters awkwardly, and I spent a lot of my time going through the thug movieclip and fixing it (namely, replacing graphic symbols with MovieClips). It was slow, dull and annoying. Now I have to do it with Dreg too, argh!

But at least what this means is that in the future I can make a character, then whenever an instance of that character is created he'll be a little different to the other instances, making the game feel that tiny bit more varied and organic.

I've also made them slightly different sizes, to add to the fun!

It also means that as the player buys new items for Dreg, they can alter his appearance, making everything very cool.

This is also an opportunity for you to immortalize yourself on the rankings page. For those of you who are new to this, these are the fighting moves:

punch him in the face lots:
A + A + A



get his ankles:

dirty my trousers:
D while running

flying kick:
D while jumping

kick 'im onto 'is butt (more powerful kick with ever-so-slightly different animation):
A + A + D
DOWN + A + D (this one is fun - you fling him into the air then kick him off into the distance)

Sort of roll over backwards then then kick him in a sensitive place, thereby flinging him away:
A OR D while moving into him

No, look over there!
move into him and press A while he's facing away from you

slingshot! (my favourite):
Run towards him and press A just as you get to him

Double dragon rip-off:
DOWN, release DOWN and press D while rising.

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